Tag Archives: long term investment

S&P500 vs Caterpillar(CAT) Performance-22Nov2019

S&P500 vs Caterpillar (CAT) Stock Performance from 01Apr2014 to 22Nov2019

Caterpillar (CAT) is a global corporation, and its stock has been facing the full impact of the uncertainty and slowdown created by US-China trade war. The stock is currently breaking out from a double bottom pattern and moving up for target $165-170 level, from the current price of $143 per share. The early buy signals came at $120 level.

Stock Trading Strategy: The right time to buy Caterpillar (CAT) stock is when the market is badly down along with this stock price beaten down for global recession fears. Mining industry has been down for many years, so Caterpillar may get some positive growth from the recovery in global mining industry. Caterpillar is truly a long term investor’s stock, and it has created big gains for investors buying the stock on deep corrections.