One thought came to me last night when I was trying to see how things can be in the Indian power sector in 5-10 years from now, especially on the Nuclear power side.
NTPC plans to initiate nuclear power. Reliance Power also has plans to set-up a nuclear power plant as well – that may happen, and RNRL could become supplier/owner of Uranium mines. This scenario could come sooner is RNRL lost the court case because they may want to use other options.
Everyone in India is doing a JV with Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL). Continue reading Future Uranium Suppliers in India →
We all understand that increased power generation is critical to the infrastructure and development of India. As you may know, India has one of the lowest per capita electricity consumption in the world. Despite generation capacity growing 100 times since 1947, the supply has continuously trailed behind demand, with an average gap of 9%. Continue reading Indian Power Sector Poised For Strong YoY Growth →
To enhance power supply in cost effective ways is one of the top priorities for the country. During the quarter April-June 2009, the energy and peaking shortages in the country were 9.8% and 12.3% respectively.
The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of power demand for the last five years has been 6.80% as against power supply CAGR of 5.88%. The CAGR of your Company’s power generation has been higher at 6.79%. Strong appetite for electricity consumption in the country translates into robust growth outlook for power players like NTPC. Continue reading Indian Power Sector Growth Plan →
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